Wednesday, May 6, 2009

LifeGroup Change

Chad and I have both been praying about switching to a new LifeGroup. We (together) feel like its time for a change, and I also have a few thoughts on my own:

For me, a LifeGroup should be a group devoted to Christ through fellowship and prayer (among many more things...but these were the basics). I looked up the word fellowship and this is what I came up with...

communion, as between members of the same church; friendliness

I also found the synonyms for the word...

comradeship, camaraderie, friendship, society, intimacy

These words would describe my LifeGroup if it were created by God...but I feel that it is not the case. Our group does not join in life together. There is gossip and backstabbing. Intimacy, if it ever existed, is a thing of the past. I'm sad to say that I am not only ready to go, but am looking forward to getting involved or starting a group where God is the center. Are there any LifeGroups out there that actually revolve around God and the principles he has set forth? I am ready to have a group that prays for one another and truly loves one another.

Please pray for me and Chad as well as the group that we will be leaving. It's time for many changes in our lives, and we are both ready to get started! :)


  1. Did you go to church this weekend? I thought about you and Chad when Craid was talking about Elijah. If you didn't catch it, I think you should watch it this week. I specifically remember thinking about you guys and your LG situation when he was talking about God sending Elijah to place that was cut off.

    Anyway, I know that He will show you the right path. Seek and ye shall find.....

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Our life group is pretty amazing. I know how hard it is to find somewhere just "fit" for your walk in life as a couple & family. Brian and I had a hard time finding the right group for us & have tried several different groups. God has this situation in His hands and will lead you where you need to go-- all you have to do is follow. You guys are amazing people and your hearts are awesome! God will make a way! I will pray with you as your new search begins. Take care & I look forward to hanging out with you and the kiddos this summer at M&M! Take care & God bless! ~Kim

  4. Hey girl,

    I have been meaning to tell you... My friends Bryan and Jennifer Adcock are starting a new lifegroup. I think it might be a good fit for you guys. They have kids roughly the same ages as yours (theirs are like a year older than yours, but still close), and they are an awesome couple. Let me know if you want their #s, or you can find them on my facebook...
